Data Structures Definition

Data Structures are formats to arrange(organize, layout, store) data in a computer’s memory RAM, that excel at particular data processing efficiency.

Data Structures Examples: Memory RAM Visualization

Arrays, Linked Lists and Trees Memory RAM Data Storage Layouts

ArraysLinked Lists, and Trees are data structures. The image above shows how these data structures organize data elements(represented by the light blue boxes) in memory RAM. Every data structure is a unique way to lay out or organize data elements in a computer’s memory RAM.

  • Arrays structure data elements at sequential memory locations and follow a linear order.
Linked Lists structure data elements at non-sequential memory locations and follow a linear order, because each data element knows the next data element’s memory location.
  • Linked Lists structure data elements at non-sequential memory locations but still follow a linear order because each element reference the next element by its memory address.
  • Trees structure data elements at non-sequential memory locations and are non-linear because they traverse data elements at different branches.

Each Data Structure Is Efficient In Particular Cases

Each data structure excels at particular operations.

For example,

  • Arrays are best for accessing data sequentially.
  • Linked Lists shine at insertion and deletion operations.
  • Stacks are great to retrieve elements from a list in reverse order.
  • Hash Tables are quick at retrieving items from the middle of the list.


Data structures are unique data storage layouts aiming to organize and improve data processing performance. There is no ultimate data structure. Each data structure can solve particular cases better than others. Thus, to know which data structure to use when, you must understand them.