Hey dev! Welcome to for-devs.com! Next, in this tutorial on for-devs.com, I will show you the steps to Download and Install PostgreSQL on Windows. PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source object-relational database system and can be run on most current operating systems. It has full performance, security and integrity.
Now, among the advantages that we find when downloading and installing PostgreSQL on Windows, we can see that it is open source and free, which means that it is free to use. Additionally, PostgreSQL is highly scalable and handles large data sets with ease, making it suitable for critical applications.
Another advantage is that it offers us great security and reliability, which includes extensive documentation and online resources that facilitate learning and developing applications with PostgreSQL.
On the other hand, the disadvantage of downloading and installing PostgreSQL on Windows is that it can be more difficult to set up and manage compared to other popular databases, such as MySQL. Also, it can require more system resources compared to other databases, which can be a problem for some applications. Also, it may not be the best option for applications with extremely high-performance requirements or for real-time applications.
Steps to Download and Install PostgreSQL step by step on Windows
Now we are going to download and install PostgreSQL on our device. Next, we will see the step by step to configure it correctly on our equipment.
1. Steps to Download the PostgreSQL Installer
First step:Visit the PostgreSQL website and click the Download button at the bottom left. Please note that the language varies depending on the settings of your browser and device. As of this writing, the official PostgreSQL web page looks like this:

Now, we are on the page that offers the installation packages for different platforms.
We select the option that corresponds to your operating system, in this case we click on Windows:

On this page, click the “Download the installer” link. This will take us to the Enterprise DB or EDB website, which offers an installer for Postgres for free:

We downloaded the “Windows x86-64” version (because our operating system is 64-bit). In case your computer is 32-bit, you must select the option “Windows x86-32” if it is available:

2. Steps to Install PostgreSQL
As a second step, we will install PostgreSQL. To do this, we go to the folder where we downloaded the .exe file and run it as administrator to avoid problems with user privileges.
We will see the installation wizard, a typical next and next.

Installation path
After clicking the next button for the first time, we can change the PostgreSQL installation folder:

Installation components
Next, we select the services and components that we want to install. Then we click next:

data directory
Now, we indicate the folder where we will save the database information, it is different from the installation path of the PostgreSQL Engine, but normally it will be a folder of our installation folder. You can change the path if you want to have the data in another folder and click on Next:

By default, PostgreSQL creates a super admin user called postgres that has full permissions and access to the entire database, both to query and modify it.
In this step, we indicate the password of that super administrator user. You must enter a very secure password and save it because you will need it later. Then, we click on next:

Here, we indicate the port on which PostgreSQL will be listening for requests:

The regional configuration can be the default, it is not necessary to change it, even if we are going to use it in Spanish.

This screen will show the summary of what is going to be installed:

The following screen indicates that PostgreSQL is ready to be installed, clicking next again will start the installation, which will finish in a couple of minutes:

End of Installation
Once the installation is finished, a message will appear on the screen showing that PostgreSQL has been installed correctly.

Verify the Installation
Once the installation is finished, we proceed to verify that everything was installed correctly. We are going to look for the PgAdmin 4 program to manage our PostgreSQL database.
In the Windows menu (or where all the programs are installed) we look for PgAdmin:

Once open, we enter the password that we configured in the installation. If everything is correct, the message that requested the password should disappear and allow us to access the databases of the PostgreSQL server.

And ready! In conclusion, we have come to know about some important features of this software and furthermore, we have successfully downloaded, installed and configured it. You’re ready! Now you can start creating your databases, tables and record management.
If you want to continue learning, I invite you to visit the related post: how to create a PostgreSQL database.
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